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Good News from Mozambique

Heaven Gods Beautiful Home Ndau

Good News from Mozambique

Bible for Children is soon providing Bible stories for children in Mozambique who speak Ndau. There are 1.9 million people that speak this language. This picture from Heaven, God’s Beautiful Home shows the Ndau text. Please pray for Mozambique.

I, Jesus am the bright and morning star. Revelation 22:16

Johnny lay on his bed looking out of the window. He could see stars - millions of stars - more stars than he could ever count. In his imagination Johnny heard the God of heaven calling him to come up to travel among the stars.

“I would like to do that, Lord,” Johnny whispered sleepily. “But there’s a lot of darkness up there, too.”

From the blanket of stars above, one star began to shine brighter and brighter. To Johnny, it seemed that this bright star also grew larger and larger and came closer and closer. Soon it was so close and so bright that Johnny had to shut his eyes.

Kitchen sounds woke Johnny. Mom was making breakfast. At the table, he told her about the stars. “Must have been a dream,” he muttered.

“Perhaps,” Mom replied. “But what a nice dream. It reminds me of the Star that led the wise men to Jesus.”

“Yes,” Johnny’s Dad added. “It reminds me of something else.” He reached for the family Bible. “It reminds me of Jesus, the bright and morning star. He came to bring light in the darkness.”

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You that You are the light of the world. Amen.

Good News from India

Noah and the Great Flood Varli

Good News from India

Bible for Children is now providing Bible stories for children in India who speak Varli. There are .8 million people that speak this language. This picture from Noah and the Great Flood shows the Varli text. Please pray for India.

Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Ephesians 6:1

“Jake! It’s washday. I can’t do it myself.” Mother sounded firm.

“But Mom. We planned to go swimming. The boys are on their way over.” Jake scowled. “I promised.”

“It’s Monday. You should have thought about that before making any other promises.”

Summer on the prairie farm was hot. Too hot to wind the big wooden handle on the outdoor washing machine for fifteen minutes. Too hot to force the wet clothes through the wringer. Too hot for anything - except a nice cool swim in the pond.

“Maybe I’ll just sneak away, and call on the boys instead,” Jake thought. Oh, how he wanted to swim. But Jake knew his Mom couldn’t do the wash without his help. So he trudged to the washing machine and got started.

When the boys came along the road and saw Jake working, they didn’t even come into the yard. As they strolled away, Jake noticed they were munching on some apples.

A few minutes later, as Jim helped Mom hang the wash on the drying line, he heard the wail of a police siren. The town police car appeared, and stopped up the road. The policeman talked to the boys, then bundled them into the car.

“Looks like your friends are in trouble.” Mom said.

Jake didn’t answer. He knew. And as the breeze blew the cool wet bed sheets on to his face, he was glad he had obeyed his mother.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father.

Help me to do what my parents say - for this is right. Amen.

(Jake Peters. Winnipeg, Canada.)

Good News from India

The First Easter Kukna

Good News from India

Bible for Children is now providing Bible stories for children in India who speak Kukna. There are .7 million people that speak this language. This picture from The First Easter shows the Kukna text. Please pray for India.

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints. Psalm 116:15

Jessica didn’t know what to say. Inside, she felt like crying. As Mom prayed and thanked God that Aunt Rachel wasn’t suffering any more, Jessica thought, “Why did You let her die, God? I will miss her so much.”

Mom said ‘Amen’ and took Jessica’s hand. “I know you’re sad, my dear. She’s gone from us for a time. God has now welcomed Aunt Rachel home to heaven.” Mom picked up a beautiful candle nestled in a fancy gift box.

“She wanted you to have this - to remind you to let the light of God shine in your life, just as she let it shine in hers.”

“Thank you, Mom,” Rachel whispered. “I won’t ever light it. I’ll keep it -”

“Oh, but I think Aunt Rachel would want you to use it.”

“It’ll burn out.”

“Before it does, it will give light to others,” Mom said softly.

“Just like Aunt Rachel did,” Jessica replied. “I think that God is happy because Aunt Rachel is with Him.”

Mother smiled. “It’s precious to God,” she said.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for having a home in heaven for Your people - and that You welcome us there. Amen. 

Good News from India and Pakistan

The Start of Mans Sadness Punjabi Shahmukhi

Good News from Pakistan and India

Bible for Children is now providing Bible stories for children who speak Punjabi Shahmukhi.  Earlier stories that were defective have been replaced.  The Punjab includes areas in both India and Pakistan.  There are 86 million people that speak this language.  This picture from The Start of Man’s Sadness shows the Punjabi Shahmukhi text.  Please pray for the Punjab.

Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.  Psalm 2:11

When I was a little girl, right up until I was about eleven or twelve, I thought we should be afraid of God because it says, ‘serve the Lord with fear’.

In church one Sunday, my minister preached a sermon about ‘fearing God’. He explained that the word ‘fear’ actually means great respect or awe.  “Don’t be afraid of God as if He was a cruel tyrant,” the minister said. “But respect God and be in wonder at the fact that He loves you so much and cares about every part of your life.”

Wow! That is a wonder! God loves me!

The minister quoted the angel Gabriel who appeared to the shepherds the night Jesus was born. The very first words Gabriel said were “Fear not! Don’t be afraid!”

Prayer: Dear Lord, I marvel and wonder at Your great love for me. Help me to love You and serve You with great awe. Amen.

(Valerie Cox. Winnipeg, Canada.)

Good News from Lithuania

The Birth of Jesus Lithuanian

Good News from Lithuania

Bible for Children is now providing Bible stories for the children in Lithuania.  There are over 3 million people who speak Lithuanian.  This picture from The Birth of Jesus shows the Lithuanian text.  Please pray for Lithuania.

Are not all (angels) ministering spirits?  Hebrews 1:13,14

“Mom! Are we almost there?” Five year-old Jesse yawned as he stretched his little hands to grab his teddy bear.

“Yes. There’s the bus depot. We change buses once more. And it’s off to Grandma’s. You remember the name of her town?”

“Guada - Guala -”

“It’s Guadalajara.” Gua-da-la-ja-ra,” Shirley said. “And don’t forget. It’s “ya” not “ja”.” She smiled as she wiped the sweat from Jesse’s forehead. The bus was air-conditioned, but it still felt hot.

When they got to the bus depot, they had a surprise. The bus for Guadalajara left from another depot.

“Why, Mom?” Jesse murmured as his mother helped him into a small taxi. “You said -”

“I thought we only had to change buses,” Shirley said softly. “But we have to go to another bus depot. I’m sorry. It’ll be alright soon.”

“Adonde? Where you go?” The Mexican driver turned and smiled. “We’re on our way to Guadalajara,” Shirley responded. “I didn’t know that it left from the other depot.”

“I help you.” The driver pulled into the depot parking lot. “Oh. There’s your bus. It’s leaving.” The driver leapt from the taxi and raced ahead of Shirley to stop the bus.

“Mom, is he an angel?” As Shirley paid the bus driver, Jesse’s eyes followed the kind man’s path back to his taxi.

“Perhaps he is, Jesse. The Bible says God gives his angels charge over us,” Shirley said quietly. Taking Jesse’s hand, she guided him to a couple of empty seats.

“But would angels drive a cab?” Jesse wanted to know.

“Maybe,” Shirley replied. “Maybe some do.”

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, that You put your angels in charge of us to guard us in our ways. Amen.

(Frieda Martens. Winnipeg, Canada.)